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  • Writer's pictureSarah Price

'Walking Home to Hay-on-Wye'

Why choose a linear walking route back to your front door?

Walking a linear route back to Hay-n-Wye

My friend, and fellow mischief maker, Liz Hill & I recently walked from Kington back to my home in Hay-on-Wye. 15 miles.

I am used to leading circular walking routes, but haven't done many linear routes, & not one that ends walking through my front door to a cup of tea!

This walk with Liz opened my eyes to the pleasure of making your way gradually closer to home and having the wonderful feeling of peace as familiar landmarks & features in the landscape come into view over the tops of ridges.

Recently I had been walking some linear routes through Shropshire along the Shropshire way & the Offas Dyke path. I enjoyed the remoteness of the Shropshire hills and the feeling of isolation in an unfamiliar landscape.

But it was this walk home to Hay with Liz that stands out as the real treat.

We saw the town of Hay-on-Wye, where I live, getting closer on the map, but could not see it until it finally came into view ahead as we reached the crossing of the A-road near Rhydspence. That first view was thrilling, realising we had got here under our own steam from a place that I had only driven to & from in the past, fantastic!

When I reached my front door it was strangely surreal, to think at the start of the day where we had been, and now here I was back in my own kitchen, kettle on!

walking on Hergest ridge with Walk Hay

Hergest ridge Herefordshire on a walk

I recommend giving a 'walk home' a go. Get someone to drop you off, take a taxi, or catch a bus to your starting point then gradually wind your way back. Plot your chosen route perhaps on the OS app and off you go. That way you avoid that usual thing of driving back home, and you can just relax on the couch with a cider!


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